In April Yanni Raymond (8th grade), Knox Daniel (6th), and Logan Strzepek (6th) journeyed to Foxboro, MA for the 2016 North American School Scrabble Championship. We were all excited to learn that this year’s event would be held in Gillette Stadium, home of the New England Patriots. Although some would expect anything at Gillette to be a deflating experience (hidden joke for football fans), the boys had a great time! Teams at Schools Scrabble come from 4th through 8th grade and play in pairs. Yanni and Knox played as a team and finished in 3rd place out of 85 teams, going 6-1 and narrowly missing a shot at the finals due to a difference in point spread. Logan played with a student from D.C., and this team also did very well, winning 5 games out of 7 and coming in 17th out of 85 teams. Thanks to all those who helped the boys make the trip and rooted for them that weekend!