Peabody School Student Population 2022-2023
How many students attend Peabody School?
Peabody School serves 232 students (107 girls, 125 boys), from PreKindergarten through Grade Eight.
How diverse is the student population?
In 2022-2023 Peabody has a 28% student of color population.
What percentage of students receive financial assistance?
In 2022-2023, 25% of the Peabody students population receives some form of financial aid.
Where do Peabody students live?
While the majority of our students are from the Charlottesville/Albemarle area, students travel from as far away as Waynesboro, Staunton, North Garden, Gordonsville, and Louisa to learn here.
Peabody School Faculty
What percentage of Peabody School faculty and staff hold advanced degrees?
74% of Peabody School faculty/staff overall hold advanced degrees; 82% of Peabody Middle School teachers hold advanced degrees.
How experienced are the teachers at Peabody School?
Peabody faculty and staff average 16 years of teaching experience, and 57% of Peabody teachers have 15+ years teaching experience.
Peabody School Learning Environment
How small are the classes at Peabody School?
The maximum class sizes are: Pre-Kindergarten (two teachers in the classroom): 12 students Kindergarten: 15 students First – Eighth Grades: 16 students (two classes per grade) With a low student:teacher ratio, Peabody is able to individualize instruction within the classroom.
What High School course credits are offered at Peabody?
Algebra II
French I
French II
Spanish I
Spanish II
What classes are available in addition to the traditional core classes?
Middle School students have the opportunity to select from a menu of offerings for their Arts & Enrichment segment of the day. A list of those class offerings can be found here.
What tests are required for admission to Peabody School?
As part of the application process, children applying to Kindergarten must take the WPPSI (Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence), and those applying to the Lower School (grades one through five) must take the WISC (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children). Testing needs to have occurred within three years of the date of application.
To take the WPPSI – children are age 2 years 6 months to 7 years 7 months
To take the WISC – children are age 6 years 0 months to 16 years 11 months
When a child is between age 6:0 and 7:7 it is up to the examiner to decide which test is most appropriate. Most children over age 6:0 applying to Peabody will take the WISC.
Students applying to the Middle School (grades six through eight) should submit results of assessments such as the CogAT, Woodcock-Johnson, Stanford-9, or the Iowa Test of Basic Skills in addition to the WISC. Please contact the Director of Admissions for more information.
What do the WPPSI and WISC measure?
What will the results tell us?
What should I tell my child about the testing?
What does the Admissions Committee look for regarding testing?
Typically, students who are successful at Peabody School score above the 90th percentile on the WISC or WPPSI, with most students scoring above the 95th percentile. The verbal subtests of the WISC and WPPSI are weighted more heavily by the Admissions Committee than other subtests.
Where can I get my child tested?
Contact any licensed school or clinical psychologist to arrange for testing. Request that the test results be forwarded to Peabody School. The testing typically takes between 1 1⁄2 and 2 hours, and children usually enjoy participating in the testing activities. Please do not attempt to have your child tested if s/he is tired, ill, or has recently been ill, as testing can only be done once every 365 days. Please indicate to the test administrator that the test is for Peabody School in order to expedite scheduling.
Several local options for in-person testing include:
- Allison Anderson, PhD 434.886.6518
- Julia Blodgett, PhD 434.242.2331
- Angie McHugh, EdD (Richmond) 434.996.6574
- Suzanne Michels, PhD 434.296.0762
- Hellen Lewis Streicher, PhD 434.989.1481
- Sheila Johnson Center at UVA 434.924.7034
Which associations is Peabody School accredited through?
Peabody is accredited by the Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS) and a member of the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS).
Radio Ads
Hear radio commercials voiced by our very own students who are growing up with Peabody!
Lower School Student Commercial
Middle School Student Commercial 1
Middle School Student Commercial 2
Middle School Student Commercial 3
Graduate Commercial